
Business Matching Service Request

Join and meet target buyers.

Each meeting session is about 15-20 minutes and a maximum of 3 meetings will be arranged per day.

Appointment schedule and details will be sent to you 2 weeks before the show.

*Fields are mandatory

A) Company Information

1. Company Name*

2. Booth Number*

3. Country/Region*

4. Annual turnover

5. Establishment year

6. Focused markets

7. Business Nature (several answers possible)*

8. Your product categories (several answers possible)*

9. Key products and brands

B) Attendant

10. Name*

11. Email*

12. Contact Number*

13. Onsite instant Messaging*

C) Target Buyer Details

14. Target buyer's business nature(several answers possible) *

15. Product categories (several answers possible) *

16. Focused markets

D) Preferred meeting date and time (SHANGHAI TIME: GMT+8)

17. Preferred meeting date and time (SHANGHAI TIME: GMT+8)*

18. Other request